8 Chrome Tab Tricks to Boost Your Productivity – Digital Lifes

8 Chrome Tab Tricks to Boost Your Productivity

8 Chrome Tab Tricks to Boost Your Productivity

In today’s fast-paced digital world, managing multiple tasks simultaneously has become the norm. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone who spends a significant amount of time on the internet, efficient web browsing is essential for boosting productivity. Google Chrome, one of the most popular web browsers, offers numerous features and extensions to help users manage their tabs effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore eight Chrome tab tricks that can significantly enhance your productivity.

  1. Tab Groups:
    Google Chrome introduced Tab Groups to help users organize and manage their tabs more efficiently. With Tab Groups, you can categorize tabs based on different topics, projects, or priorities. To create a Tab Group, simply right-click on a tab, select “Add to new group,” and choose a color or label for the group. You can then drag and drop related tabs into the group, making it easier to navigate and switch between them. Tab Groups are especially useful for multitasking and keeping your browsing sessions clutter-free.
  2. Pin Tabs:
    Pinning tabs is a handy feature in Chrome that allows you to keep frequently visited websites or web applications easily accessible. When you pin a tab, it shrinks down to just the favicon, saving precious space on your tab bar. To pin a tab, right-click on it and select “Pin tab” from the context menu. Pinned tabs remain open even after you close and reopen your browser, making them ideal for keeping essential websites like email, calendar, or task management tools readily available.
  3. Tab Search:
    As the number of open tabs increases, finding a specific tab can become challenging. Chrome’s Tab Search feature helps solve this problem by enabling users to search for tabs directly from the address bar. Simply press “Ctrl + Shift + A” on Windows or “Cmd + Shift + A” on Mac to open the Tab Search interface. From there, you can type keywords or titles to quickly locate the tab you’re looking for. Tab Search is a time-saving tool, especially for users who frequently work with a large number of open tabs.
  4. Tab Hover Cards:
    Tab Hover Cards provide a quick preview of tabs when you hover your mouse cursor over them. This feature displays the title and URL of the tab, making it easier to identify and switch between tabs without having to click on each one individually. To enable Tab Hover Cards, go to Chrome’s settings, click on “Appearance,” and toggle the “Show hover cards” option. Tab Hover Cards offer a convenient way to navigate through multiple tabs and prioritize your browsing activities.
  5. Tab Discarding:
    Tab Discarding is a built-in Chrome feature designed to optimize memory usage and improve browser performance. When enabled, Chrome automatically discards inactive tabs to free up system resources. Discarded tabs remain visible on the tab bar but are unloaded from memory until you revisit them. To enable Tab Discarding, go to Chrome’s settings, click on “System,” and toggle the “Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed” option. Tab Discarding can help speed up your browsing experience, especially on devices with limited RAM.
  6. Extensions for Tab Management:
    Chrome offers a wide range of extensions specifically designed to enhance tab management and productivity. Extensions like Toby, OneTab, and Tab Wrangler provide advanced features such as tab grouping, session saving, and tab syncing across devices. These extensions can help you declutter your tab bar, save memory, and organize your browsing sessions more effectively. Additionally, many tab management extensions offer customization options to suit your individual workflow preferences.
  7. Keyboard Shortcuts:
    Learning keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your browsing speed and efficiency in Chrome. Chrome provides several keyboard shortcuts for managing tabs, such as:
  • Ctrl + T: Open a new tab
  • Ctrl + W: Close the current tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab
  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch to the next tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the previous tab
    By familiarizing yourself with these shortcuts, you can navigate through tabs and perform common tasks more quickly, saving time and boosting productivity.
  1. Tab Suspenders:
    Tab Suspenders is a Chrome extension that helps reduce memory usage by automatically suspending inactive tabs. When a tab is suspended, its contents are unloaded from memory, but the tab remains visible on the tab bar. This allows you to quickly restore the tab when needed without consuming additional system resources. Tab Suspenders can be particularly beneficial for users who work with multiple tabs open simultaneously and want to optimize their browser’s performance.


Efficient tab management is crucial for maximizing productivity and minimizing distractions while browsing the web. By utilizing the Chrome tab tricks mentioned in this blog post, you can streamline your workflow, stay organized, and make the most out of your browsing experience. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone who spends a lot of time online, mastering these tab management techniques can help you work smarter, not harder. So why wait? Start implementing these Chrome tab tricks today and take your productivity to the next level!